数字世界中的人力资源挑战:重新思考工作场所和员工福利(2 / 3


Eric Lechelard, 人力资源主管, shares insights on the multi-generational workforce, work-life balance and mental wellness.

a man and woman sitting at a table

正如我在 以前的博客, hybrid working has become the new normal, bringing with it new implications for society and, 特别是, the need for organisational transformation at the Human Resources level.

在这三篇博客中的第二篇, 我们将看看ALE在过去三年中面临的一些最重大的挑战, 特别关注多代人的问题和对灵活工作场所的需求.


As is common in many organisations, ALE的员工队伍跨越了几代人,这是我们最大的资产之一. 当涉及到数字化转型时,这种多代人的特点尤为重要. It’s noteworthy that during the shift to teleworking, “婴儿潮”一代, also known as the 'telephone' generation, were actually quite quick to adopt the Rainbow™ by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise solution. In fact, it was widely embraced by all generations within the company, 因为每个人都被迫切换到电话,完全基于计算机的协作.

Today, 对于新员工, particularly the younger generation, Rainbow is a normal part of their 沟通s experience, because it's how they interact in their personal lives, which wasn’t necessarily the case for many of the teams at the time. 它的成功之处在于,来自电话火狐体育手机的员工已经采用了这个易于使用的平台, which is able to consolidate all the services including: telephone, 协作, 聊天和视频会议.

Let’s take a moment to consider the most common tools we use for communicating today; we call each other, see each other and exchange ideas. At ALE, that's what we've been doing for 40 years. Rainbow is also used for sending text messages. 如果我们没有彩虹, we'd probably be using WhatsApp or Messenger, as is the case for many other organisations — which, 顺便说一下, 是否会使组织易受安全和保密风险的影响. 除了发送消息,员工还需要召开会议和创建讨论组. For ALE, all these functions are securely integrated within Rainbow, 因此,我们可以轻松地将不同世代的员工聚集在一个单一的数字工具中.

Work-life balance, flexibility and pay

许多研究表明, and all HR people can testify to the fact, that salary is not the main motivating factor, but it can be a demotivating factor when not properly addressed. As such, we naturally treat it with the utmost seriousness. 同时, 我们认识到,优先考虑和促进员工的健康和福祉非常重要. Following are a few examples of what ALE is doing in this area.

首先,尽管这在今天看来是显而易见的,但我们提供了一份远程办公协议. Early on during the global health crisis, we began negotiations with the social partners on teleworking, 是什么导致了灵活的工作环境的长期实施,现在所有的新员工都感兴趣. 本协议, including one to three days per week of teleworking, 现在得到了所有党派的支持, 真的需要这么做. 如今,远程办公是每次招聘讨论的一部分.

The second point concerns flexibility and employee work welfare. 我们签署了工作生活质量(QWL)协议,处理工作与生活的平衡, as well as personal life constraints, 护理, 分娩, 和照顾孩子. 这些协议为更好地平衡工作与生活创造了条件,远程办公也是如此.


All these measures go hand-in-hand with preventive actions. Teleworking must not lead to exhaustion or health problems. 灵活的工作, annual interviews with workload reviews, 沟通, 协作 and 管理 tools are all part of the ALE process. 不能解决这些问题可能会使公司面临招聘困难, 因为大多数候选人在申请之前都渴望了解这些就业要素.

ALE的主要优势之一——这是许多公司所不具备的——是可追溯到2008年的远程办公经验, when we introduced the opportunity to telework up to two days per week. 我们的软电话解决方案远远领先于市场,使远程办公成为可能. 当医疗危机袭来的时候, 我们利用我们的远程办公经验和通信解决方案来确保我们自己和客户的业务连续性. 今天,我们被公认为混合工作商业通信解决方案的主要供应商.


- Today’s new normal demands new ways of working

- 混合工作将继续存在



Eric Lechelard


With more than 20 years of experience in tele沟通s and IT, 并担任ALE国际法国实体的人力资源总监五年, Eric Lechelard负责支持ALE国际集团战略转型的所有团队.

Eric在专业服务和客户服务(客户关怀)方面的专业知识为他在服务火狐体育手机提供了各种机会, 包括管理阿尔卡特朗讯企业业务的专业服务团队. 他领导了预售工作, design, 体系结构, and 24-7 operations activities of all 沟通s and network solutions for a strategic customer; a large US-based hospital group. He was also responsible for ALE global customer support activities, 在被任命为ALE国际人力资源团队总监之前.

除了电信和网络工程学位, Eric trained in services and sales, 并于2017年获得卡昂IAE人力资源管理硕士学位.




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